Pchem : Resistance at 7.58-760, should that be penetrated next up is now around 7.80.After that correction is very likely.
Pchem ca : Resistance seen at 56-60sen. Im guessing it will go into this area.
Kencana : Marched on super strongly but now at resistance. Penetration of 2.86 is possible. Next level 2.97-3.00.
Mhb : Surging tomorrow..? Still lagging this guy
Mahsing : Im guessing.. 2.73?
DRBHcom ce : At resistance but i think i heard this just got pilot' license, flying tomorrow?? Lol
For stocks which is still not moving, or lagging don't worry i think the party is still open. Dutalnd is still not moving for those who missed the opportunity.
For stocks near resistance. Be careful and get ready to sell.
Disclosure : I bought into kencana cf at 9se. Hehehe
A significantly better news is out on bloomberg. Didnt see such during the rally. Bad sign.